Why It's an Important Part of Your Health Care
A good detoxification program can not only help you feel better overall, but
can also help clear stubborn symptoms attributed to other illnesses.
An Overview
Toxicity is the ability of a chemical or physical agent
to induce detrimental temporary or permanent tissue change or to detrimentally
with normal biochemical processing.
• Are
you sensitive to chemicals, car fumes, odors, perfumes, or fragrances?
• Do you have acne, eczema, hives, or unexplained itching?
• Do you suffer from fatigue, lethargy, joint pains, muscle aches, or weakness?
• Are you subject to irritability, mood swings, anxiety, depression,
poor concentration, a 'spacey' feeling, or restlessness?
• Do you get headaches?
• Do
you suffer from a
stuffy nose, frequent sinus infections, or allergies?
• Do
you ever use over-the-counter, prescription, or recreational drugs on a regular
• Do you microwave your food in plastic?
• Do
you use a microwave at all?
If you answered ‘yes’ to
three or more questions, reduce your burdens and discuss detoxification
with your practitioner.
Factors Influencing Toxicity
There are many toxins, or poisons, in our environment---bacteria, fumes,
heavy metals, drugs, dental work, chemicals, hormones in meats, pesticides
in produce, insecticides, herbicides, fragrance, household cleaning
products, water, etc., which may contribute to an overall toxic condition.
pathways toxins find their way into the body are:
• Topical (applied to the skin)
• Ingested (taken orally)
• Inhaled (breathed in)
• Injected (IV or IM)
toxic condition can contribute to or aggravate many other ailments
such as
allergies, various cancers, lung disease, autoimmune disorders,
fibromyalgia, migraine headaches, skin conditions and emotional shifts.
Toxicity levels can be affected by
• The time of exposure---a brief encounter or long term
• The number of exposures ---a single dose or multiple doses over time
• The physical form of the toxin---solid, liquid, gas
The genetic makeup of an individual • An individual's overall health
• And many others
Your Plan
Everyone is different. We
offer toxicity testing and a number of natural ways to help clear
the body of toxic conditions. We will discover what your body
really needs
by identifying and prioritizing the imbalances, toxicities and
deficiencies, and then determine how to restore your body to its natural
We will discuss cleansing the body versus building up the body
and discover when each measure is appropriate.
the Health Intake and call our office at 949.544.1166 for further assistance
in advance of our first meeting.
• Health
Intake Assessment $250
• Initial Consultation and Health Blueprint $250
• Office visits $125
• Follow up appointment with Reflexology:
Priced according to your protocol.
• Reflexology
• Follow up appointment with Ionic Detox
Bath series: Priced
according to protocol.
• Ionic Detox Foot Bath $85
You may phone or email between appointments (within reason) at no